A scratchboard drawing of a cool dude bully mix. That's me in the right lens taking his photo and his owner in the left lens getting his attention. The color of the unframed image represents the true color of this drawing.
After I completed the scratching, I tinted the drawing with watercolor. The drawing has been sealed with Lascaux UV-Protect semi-gloss varnish. You can see the reference photo and in-progress stages of the drawing in my Facebook album, starting with this image.
The art is 5" x 5", mounted to an 8" x 8" archival board (painted black) in an 8" x 8" black wood frame, no glass. I also distressed the frame a little bit with some sandpaper and ink.
Charity Item: I'll donate $15 from the sale of this drawing to Placer SPCA (placerspca.org)
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* * Copyright retained by the artist (me). You are purchasing the original art only - I retain all rights to this image. This image may not be reproduced in any manner without my written consent. * *