This is a fine art reproduction print of my painting "Love is Not Black & White", a colorful pair of zebras in a heart. The copyright watermark does not appear on the print. The blue signature below the right zebra's neck is part of the print, and I sign the print also.
This archival quality reproduction print of one of my original watercolor paintings is printed on Epson Velvet Fine Art Paper that is lightly textured (similar to watercolor paper). It's printed with Epson UltraChrome inks on an Epson R1800 printer.
Art: 5" x 8"
The paper size is approximately 8" x 11"
Charity Item: I'll donate $4 from the sale of this print to The Sacramento Zoo (www.saczoo.org)
* * Copyright retained by the artist (that's me). You are purchasing a reproduction of my art only - I retain all rights to this image. This image may not be reproduced in any manner without my written consent. * *